Licence to Operate a Forklift Truck

TLILIC0003 – Licence to operate a forklift truck

This course prepares learners to safely operate a forklift truck. Participants will learn how to set-up, operate, shut down and secure a forklift truck.

A forklift truck is a powered industrial truck equipped with lifting mechanisms made up of a mast and an elevating load carriage to which is attached a pair of fork arms that can be raised 900mm or more above the ground. Note: This does not include a pedestrian-operated truck or a pallet truck.

This is a nationally accredited qualification that is recognised in all states and territories of Australia. The course is based on the requirements of the National Standard for Licensing Persons Performing High Risk Work. Learners who successfully complete the training will become eligible to apply for a High Risk Work Licence (HRWL).

Learning outcomes

Students who complete this qualification will gain the skills and knowledge to:

  • Conduct routine checks including on the working area and set-up the forklift for use
  • Shift loads in a safe manner
  • Drive the forklift with load in forward and reverse
  • Drive the forklift around various routes
  • Communicate with other site personnel
  • Shut down and secure the forklift


Participants are required to:

  • Read the learner guide and complete the review. The learner guide will be provided following enrolment
  • Bring photo ID on the day of training
  • Wear appropriate PPE: Safety boots and hi-vis shirt/vest

Prerequisites and/or Recognition of Prior Learning (RPL)

There are no prerequisites for this course. No RPL can be applied to this course.

Course structure

This course contains both theory and practical components. The location is either at a PICAC campus or at a specified work location which will be confirmed by email.

Course duration

Three days (24 hours)

$530 – full fee

$395 – Industry Association Member (NFIA, Master Plumbers, AMCA)

$0 – PPTEU Member

Cancellation fees may apply, please see Learner Information page for terms and conditions.

A range of assessment methods will be used to assess that the learner can:

  • Accurately interpret information relating to operating a forklift (eg. procedures)
  • Identify hazards and assess risk associated with the operation of the forklift
  • Put into place effective hazard prevention/control measures for any identified hazards
  • Safely conduct forklift truck operations to the maximum height and load capacity
  • Receive and interpret work instructions, safety information and emergency procedures from others
  • Drive forklift with load in forward and reverse, maintaining visibility
  • Follow a traffic management plan
  • Identify problems and equipment faults and demonstrate appropriate response procedures

National units of competency covered

TLILIC0003 – Licence to operate a forklift truck



Students who satisfactorily complete all course requirements will be eligible to receive a Statement of Attainment issued by CEPUTEC (RTO 4612), which is recognised nationally under the Australian Qualifications Framework.

Successful completion of this course may result in becoming eligible to apply for a High Risk Work Licence (HRWL).  More information below.

WorkSafe VIC


Read this before you enrol.

Contact us for information about arranging training delivery at your workplace/worksite.

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What is a Unique Student Identifier (USI)?

If you study any Nationally Recognised Training in Australia, you are required to have a USI. Your USI links to an online account that contains all your training records and results (transcripts) that you have completed since 2015.

When applying for a job or enrolling in further study, you will often need to provide your training records and results (transcript). The benefit of the USI is the ability to provide learners with easy access to their training records at any time.

You can access your USI account online from your computer, tablet or smart phone.

If you do not already have a USI, go to on a computer or mobile device.

Note: A USI must be supplied to CEPUTEC during enrolment so that a Nationally Recognised Qualification or Statement of Attainment can be issued to you.

For further information, please see the video under Learner Resources.