Provide First Aid
Learn the practical skills and theory required to perform CPR in line with the Australian Resuscitation Council (ARC) guidelines.
BSB41419 – Certificate IV in Work Health and Safety
This course provides the ideal qualification for those currently working as supervisors, WHS/OHS personnel, and workers in other WHS/OHS-related roles who wish to gain more specialised knowledge for their position.
In this course, you will learn how to identify hazards in the workplace, assist with responding to incidents, assess and control risk and consult on work health and safety issues.
This is a nationally accredited qualification that is recognised in all states and territories of Australia.
Students who complete this qualification will gain the skills and knowledge to:
Participants are required to:
There are no prerequisites for this course.
Please contact us directly about RPL or Credit Transfer for this course.
$1500 – Full fee
$825 – Industry Association Member (NFIA, Master Plumbers, AMCA)
$0 – PPTEU Member
Cancellation fees may apply, please see Learner Information page for terms and conditions.
All or a selection of the following will be used to assess the required knowledge and skills:
BSBWHS412 – Assist with compliance with WHS laws
BSBWHS413 – Contribute to implementation and maintenance of WHS consultation and participation processes
BSBWHS414 – Contribute to WHS risk management
BSBWHS415 – Contribute to implementing WHS management systems
BSBWHS416 – Contribute to workplace incident response
BSBWHS419 – Contribute to implementing WHS monitoring processes
BSBINS401 – Analyse and present research information
BSBINN301 – Promote innovation in a team environment
BSBCMM411 – Make presentations
BSBWHS418 – Assist with managing compliance of contractors
Students who satisfactorily complete all course requirements will be eligible to receive a Certificate IV in Work Health and Safety issued by CEPUTEC (RTO 4612), which is recognised nationally under the Australian Qualifications Framework.
Read this before you enrol.
Contact us for information about arranging training delivery at your workplace/worksite.
Learn the practical skills and theory required to perform CPR in line with the Australian Resuscitation Council (ARC) guidelines.
Covers the mandatory work health and safety training required prior to undertaking tasks on a construction site.
If you study any Nationally Recognised Training in Australia, you are required to have a USI. Your USI links to an online account that contains all your training records and results (transcripts) that you have completed since 2015.
When applying for a job or enrolling in further study, you will often need to provide your training records and results (transcript). The benefit of the USI is the ability to provide learners with easy access to their training records at any time.
You can access your USI account online from your computer, tablet or smart phone.
If you do not already have a USI, go to www.usi.gov.au/students/create-your-usi/ on a computer or mobile device.
Note: A USI must be supplied to CEPUTEC during enrolment so that a Nationally Recognised Qualification or Statement of Attainment can be issued to you.
For further information, please see the video under Learner Resources.